4 advantages why customer service is the best side hustle

There aren’t many of us who are saying “I have too much money!” Many of us are looking for a good side hustle to help supplement our income. Maybe your income is just fine, and you simply want to expand your skills? Well, getting a job as a customer service agent could be just the opportunity you’re looking for! 

Why Should You Work in Customer Service?

We know there is no shortage of side hustles out there. Between the explosion of ride-sharing apps like Uber and Lyft, more classical routes like part-time deliverers, or even the emergence of my organized and concise “gig based” labor apps like TaskRabbit or Handy, we are living in an age of employment flexibility.

So, with all these options, why would you choose customer service? Well, here are 4 advantages we’ve heard from other customer support agents.

1. Working from Home

That's right folks, what more can you ask for than a side hustle you don’t even have to leave your room to do? Many agencies that allow work from home also are renowned for flexible scheduling that ensures your time as a customer service agent never infringes on your other responsibilities. Whether you have a full-time job (40 hours a week) or are working freelance already, supplementing some time with customer service can be the perfect little boost you need (especially around the holiday season.)

2. Learn a Host of New Skills

Unlike driving people around or installing a shelf, customer service agents learn a plethora of transferable skills. Just to name a few:

  • Time Management

  • Communication

  • Research/Planning

  • Liaison/ Interactive skills

  • Managing workload

Starting in a customer service role can open the doors to an industry you may not have even realized you wanted to work in!  Learning emotional stability from dealing with unruly customers, empathy for customers who are struggling, and developing your problem-solving skills are all proficiencies that can transfer over to new positions.

3. Learning a New Product

To be a successful agent you need to know the product/service you are supporting inside and out. Having and cultivating that knowledge makes you a larger asset to a company that you may realize. You can quickly become a “subject matter’ expert and provide a unique and educated perspective on a particular industry many employers will value.

4. Easy Entry into Marketing/Sales Roles

Customer service primarily is the business of speaking with people and remedying their problems. The more familiar you are with a product the better you can sell it, and the more you speak to and know an audience, the better you can market to them. Showing initiative and interest in your industry, whether it's writing a blog, posting on social media, etc, can land you a bigger role on the marketing team down the line. Wooing customers, and convincing them not only to stay but to upgrade, will make your sales department come-a-knocking at your door pretty quickly.

As you can gather from above, having a customer service side hustle has incredible potential to aide your future career. You may have a 5-star driver rating, but chances are the front office isn't calling you in anytime soon. A customer service side hustle may be exactly what you need to find your main hustle.